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Free Video Library

Welcome to the collections of videos I've made over my years of recovery.  I hope you'll find them beneficial and will share them with others to also watch and learn.

I saw your smiling face on YouTube and I clicked on one of your videos. I could not wait to tell somebody what I had came across!  I can't believe I actually found somebody that was explaining what I have been feeling, but unable to put to words. I am so excited and have asked my grown children, "Please watch some of these videos so you can understand what I am going through."  Today has been the best day I've had in 8 years. You have given me hope. God bless you!  You are now my voice!


You really do have the best informational channel on TBI I have seen yet.... great energy!  Your will-to-good shines through!  Your NLP expertise is so calming and commanding.  Bravo!


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The Traumatic Brain Injury Coach Introduction

Brain Recovery Coach
The Traumatic Brain Injury Coach Introduction
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The Traumatic Brain Injury Coach Introduction

The Traumatic Brain Injury Coach Introduction

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How I Got My Brain Back: 6 Top Treatments Your Doctor Does Not Know About

How I Got My Brain Back: 6 Top Treatments Your Doctor Does Not Know About

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Why You Get So Cranky, Irritated, & Overwhelmed

Traumatic Brain Injury: Why You Get So Cranky, Irritated, & Overwhelmed

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Understanding Fatigue

Traumatic Brain Injury: Understanding Fatigue

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Traumatic Brain Injury From The Inside

Traumatic Brain Injury From The Inside

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Raw & Real On My Seventh Re-Birthday

Traumatic Brain Injury: Raw & Real On My Seventh Re-Birthday

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This Amazing Brain Trick Will Reboot Your Balance!

This Amazing Brain Trick Will Reboot Your Balance!

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Reboot Your Injured Brain with These Amazing Brain Gym Exercises

Reboot Your Injured Brain with These Amazing Brain Gym Exercises

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Grocery Shopping with a Brain Injury: 8 Tips for Conquering Mission Impossible

Grocery Shopping with a Brain Injury: 8 Tips for Conquering Mission Impossible

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Brain Injury Healing: Do I Rest or Do I Push Myself?

Brain Injury Healing: Do I Rest or Do I Push Myself?

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Brain Injury: Aromatherapy For A Better Brain

Brain Injury: Aromatherapy For A Better Brain

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Dr. Sam Berne on Healing Vision & the Brain

Dr. Sam Berne on Healing Vision & the Brain

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TBI: It's Like Being A Newborn All Over Again!

TBI: It's Like Being A Newborn All Over Again!

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TBI: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves of Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves of Traumatic Brain Injury

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TBI: How to Eat For Your Super-Brain – A Nutritionist Tells All!

TBI: How to Eat For Your Super-Brain – A Nutritionist Tells All!

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TBI: Can Your Brain Really Heal? – Neuroplasticity & the Latest Technologies

TBI: Can Your Brain Really Heal? – Neuroplasticity & the Latest Technologies

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TBI: Drink to Think – Why You Need Water?

TBI: Drink to Think – Why You Need Water?

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Brain Injury: Why You Can't Get Stuff Done. Understanding Executive Function

Brain Injury: Why You Can't Get Stuff Done. Understanding Executive Function

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How Neurofeedback Helps Traumatic Brain Injury

How Neurofeedback Helps Traumatic Brain Injury

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Traumatic Brain Injury: How Many TBI Girls Does it Take to Cross the Road?

Traumatic Brain Injury: How Many TBI Girls Does it Take to Cross the Road?

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Traumatic Brain Injury: How Florescent Lighting Makes Your Injured Brain Batty

Traumatic Brain Injury: How Florescent Lighting Makes Your Injured Brain Batty

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Why Grocery Shopping Now Feels Like Mission Impossible?

Traumatic Brain Injury: Why Grocery Shopping Now Feels Like Mission Impossible?

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Traumatic Brain Injury: How to Improve Your Brain Injured Vision

Traumatic Brain Injury: How to Improve Your Brain Injured Vision

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Traumatic Brain Injury: How to Find a Helpful TBI Doctor?

Traumatic Brain Injury: How to Find a Helpful TBI Doctor?

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Are You Cruising?

Traumatic Brain Injury: Are You Cruising?

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Traumatic Brain Injury: A Doctor's Message of Hope and Inspiration for Survivors

Traumatic Brain Injury: A Doctor's Message of Hope and Inspiration for Survivors

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Nathalie's Story & Inspiring Mission

Traumatic Brain Injury: Nathalie's Story & Inspiring Mission

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Dr. Laurie Chaikin Explains Vision & Balance Problems (Full Interview)

Traumatic Brain Injury: Dr. Laurie Chaikin Explains Vision & Balance Problems (Full Interview)

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Amy's Story, Strategies, and Inspiring Message

Traumatic Brain Injury: Amy's Story, Strategies, and Inspiring Message

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Traumatic Brain Injury: To Coffee or Not to Coffee? That is the Question!

Traumatic Brain Injury: To Coffee or Not to Coffee? That is the Question!

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Nathalie Kelly at the Vermont Brain Injury Association Conference 11 1 11

Nathalie Kelly at the Vermont Brain Injury Association Conference 11 1 11

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